ADP Run setup with Alice

Create New User for Alice Financial

Before you begin: You must have the security role of 'Owner' to add a user.

Please note: If you are a wholesale partner with ADP Run, you may not see a Security Role of "Payroll Admin". If that is the case, we must be set up as a firm level user.

Log into your administrator account in ADP Run:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Company > Manage User Access
  2. Click 'Add Users'
  3. On the Add Users page, enter the user's First Name: "Alice" and Last Name: "Financial"
  4. In the email field, enter Email: ""
  5. In the Role field, select the User’s Security Role: “Payroll Admin”
    1. This will give Alice the ability to input each employee's pretax deductions on each paycheck and the ability to run reports to keep our employee records up to date with yours.
  6. Click "Save" Alice will receive an email with the link needed to register.

Please email our team at once complete, so we can be on the lookout for the registration email!

The email address provided above is for connecting payroll only.

If you need to reach our payroll team for help, please email

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