Rippling Setup with Alice

Here is your guide to granting third-party payroll access to Alice in Rippling for benefits administration.

The phone number and email address provided below are for internal payroll purposes only. If you need to reach our team, please call or text us at 888-431-4355.

Add Alice as a third party admin on your Rippling Account. More info from Rippling here. Please note, only employees who have the Super Administrator permission profile can create and assign permission profiles inside of Rippling.

To give a third-party admin the access they need, you can create a new permission profile and assign it to the admin, or you can assign the admin to an existing third-party permission profile.

Create a new third-party admin permission profile

  1. From the Rippling sidebar, open Settings > Permissions.
  2. Click New Permission Profile.
  3. Give the profile a name and description.
  4. Select the Accountant (partial access) template
  5. Click Add 3rd party user, enter the information below, then check the box to agree to Rippling's terms of service.
    1. Name: Alice Financial
    2. Email:
  6. Click Save.

Please email once this is complete.

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