Payroll Bank Account Connection

Alice Card makes it easier for your employees to commute with pretax spending!

Employees can pay with Alice Card instead of waiting to be reimbursed on their paycheck. A payroll bank account is required for your employees to request and use Alice Cards.

Connecting your payroll bank account(s) means that Alice reimbursements for commuting are done by Alice Card instead of being reimbursed on payroll. We deduct from payroll normally to cover the amount spent.

You can use the same account for both employee contributions and Alice billing, though you will need to enter the information in both places if you choose to do so.  Each payroll location or business unit will need a valid Billing and Bank account connected unless you have opted for unified billing/banking.

Payroll bank account — Typically this is a Checking account that paychecks are drawn from.  Alice withdraws employee contributions via ACH for Alice Card spending each pay period. Employees do not have on-payroll reimbursements, as they're reimbursed up front when they swipe Alice Card.

Billing source — Checking account or credit card for Alice's Cost of Services each pay period.

Please visit your Alice Admin Dashboard to connect your payroll bank account(s) to Alice if it is not already connected.  

If you have multiple payroll locations or business units under your organization, you'll see these listed on your Home Dashboard.  Click on one to see details for just that location.  Return back to the Home dashboard by choosing "Alice Admin" in the upper left corner. 

Click Account to:

  • Add an admin for one specific location (reach out to us to add an organization admin for all locations)
  • Add or edit your billing method
  • Add or review the Payroll Bank Account connected to Alice

TIP:  If you have multiple locations but would like to use the same payroll bank account for all locations, Support can set up a one-time entry for all locations with universal banking. Just let us know!

If you change payroll bank accounts, please let us know.  We are happy to assist you by removing the account on file to allow you to add a new one.  We will also send along the ACH whitelist instructions to share with your new bank.

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