I no longer work for my employer who offered Alice

I no longer work for the company that offered Alice. What does that mean for my benefits? If you recently quit your job or were fired, we understand a lot of questions can come up. We're here to help!

  • Your final paycheck will reflect confirmed expenses made before your last employment day. You will not be able to confirm any expenses if you are no longer on payroll with your employer.
  • You cannot use Alice Card for any expenses.
  • You can let us know when your last day was, and we'll be happy to update our records to reflect this.

Alice works to help you save right in your paycheck.  This all happens on your employer's payroll.  When you're no longer on payroll we don't have a way to help you save in your paycheck. 

You never prepay or carry a balance with Alice Card, so there's nothing lost.  Alice Card works like a credit card and there's no balance to claim. 

Please do let us know if you're rehired or go to work with a new employer offering Alice.  We'll be happy to help ensure you're able to save!

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